layout: post title: Validations for non-ActiveRecord Model Objects —- Rails provides support for validating form input if the form is backed by an ActiveRecord. The application I am currently working on has a form that has a large number of input parameters but is not persisted to the database. I still wanted to use the ActiveRecord Validations as they make my life easier but I did not know if there was an simple way to do this.
Initially I created a dummy table in the database with just an id field and made my model object sub-class ActiveRecord. I could then use the validations with all the fields I had defined using attr\_accessor
. This looked something like;
class Search < ActiveRecord::Base
attr\_accessor :user\_name, :email, :locator
validates\_length\_of :user\_name,
:within => 6..20,
:too\_long => “pick a shorter name”,
:too\_short => “pick a longer name”
validates\_format\_of :email,
:with => /^(\[^`\s]+)`((?:\[-a-z0-9\]*\\.)*\[a-z\]{2,})$/i
validates\_numericality\_of :locator
In my controller I created the Search object in the same way that I created all the other model objects but I never called save. Instead I called the valid?
method to check whether the model passed all the validations. If the model is not valid the @search.errors
object is populated with all the errors.
class NavigatorController < ApplicationController
def search
`search =[:search])
if `search.valid?
Of course this left a bad taste in my mouth as it is a seriously ugly hack that requires an empty table in the database just to get form validation working. So I began to look at what I needed to do to implement an ActiveForm object. I was not looking forward to this task as I had read on the rails mailing list that the Validations were intermingled with ActiveRecord::Base and difficult to untangle.
This could not be further from the truth. The first thing I did was create a new ActiveForm class and include ActiveRecord::Validations
. This caused a few errors as the ActiveRecord::Validations class attempts to call alias_method for methods that do not exist in ActiveForm. I implement these methods (save and update_attribute) so that they raise a NotImplementedError exception. Then I attempt to call the valid?
method but it calls the new\_record?
method which I implement to return true. To view the errors in the view using the standard helper methods I need to implement the human_attribute_name method. These changes seem to get basic validations working.
The only validations that are not working are validates\_uniqueness\_of
and validates\_numericality\_of
. validates\_uniqueness\_of
is not expected to work as it accesses the database so I just make it raise a NotImplementedError exception. validates\_numericality\_of
does not work as it relies on a method named “#{attr_name}_before_type_cast” for each attribute named “attr_name”. This is an artifact of the type coercion that ActiveRecord performs on input parameters. ActiveRecord will convert an input parameter from a string to an integer if the underlying database record stores the field as an integer. As this does not occur with ActiveForm I just duplicated the method and replaced “#{attr_name}_before_type_cast” with “#{attr_name}”.
The only functionality that ActiveForm was missing was the ability to create a model object from a hash. As ActiveForm does not need to do any type coercion this is as simple as
def initialize(attributes = nil)
if attributes
attributes.each do |key,value|
send(\_s + ‘=’, value)
yield self if block\_given?
At this stage ActiveForm is in a usable state and it took less than 20 minutes. It only took that long because I needed to restart webrick for each change (not to mention the fact that I had never looked at ActiveRecord before). Isn’t ruby/rails great?
To get this working grab the active_form.rb file and place it in the app/models directory. You can then make your model objects extend ActiveForm and use them like regular ActiveRecord objects.
I cleaned up a few warts of ActiveForm like overriding methods you should not be calling (save, validate_on_create, validate_on_update). I hope to get motivated enough to send a patch that enables this style of functionality in the core once edge rails is working for me again.
It seems there is already a HowTo on the rails wiki that describes a similar technique. However rather than duplicating validates\_numericality\_of
they handle the calls to “#{attr_name}_before_type_cast” by implementing a method_missing method which I incorporated to cleanup my code.
Update on 12th Dec 2005
Today I decided that I needed to add reloading of ActiveForm subclasses and this is done with the following code chunk.
require ‘dispatcher’
class Dispatcher
class << self
if ! method\_defined?(:form\_original\_reset\_application![]()
alias :form_original_reset_application) :reset\_application!
def reset\_application!
Dependencies.remove\_subclasses\_for(ActiveForm) if defined?(ActiveForm)
Update 12th of May, 2010
The plugin is now available on GitHub. See the GitHub project page