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Asset Bundles


Within Q3A, the assets are files that are contained within the *.pk3 files or on the file system in specific “game” directories. The *.pk3 files are simply zip files with a different extension.

The layout of assets within the directories and the *.pk3 files is primarily done by convention and sometimes these conventions are enforced by code. Sometimes these constraints are enforced in game logic code and sometimes by engine code.

For example, the “shader files” MUST be contained within the scripts/ directory in either the *.pk3 or in the “game” directory. The “shader files” MUST be named with an extension .shader If the “shader files” do not follow these conventions then they will not be loaded by the runtime.

“Pure” servers are those who set the cvar sv_pure to 1. In a pure server, the clients and the server must load assets from *.pk3 files and the set of *.pk3 files must “match”. The “matching” is done using a content hash and thus if a *.pk3 is modified on a client (by changing a file within it), then the *.pk3 will no longer match the server file.

Q3A does not explicitly track dependencies between assets. It is up to the developer to track the relationships between assets and ensure that unused assets are omitted and that all required assets are present. This has proved problematic and as a result there are numerous “broken” assets and/or unused assets that are shipped with the game.

Examples of inter-asset dependencies:

Q3A has the capability to download *.pk3 files when the client is connecting to a server and both the client and server are configured to enable downloads. This makes it possible for a server to distribute maps and models incrementally, on-demand. The end-user can also download these assets using independent means and place the *.pk3 files in the correct game directory.

The “Ideal” Asset Bundle

In an ideal system an asset bundle would be able to declare that all asset references are resolvable statically at build time rather than deferring detection of missing references until runtime. This would reduce the amount of QA processes that would need to be dedicated to ensuring that assets are valid.

This is a problem that is present in other component oriented architectures. Such systems have solved this problem using a number of strategies. Strategies that would be effective within the context of a game engine include:

Tooling could then be developed that analyzed each asset and ensured that every asset within the bundle as all references either present in the bundle, declared as “consumed” by the asset bundle. The tooling could also analyze the dependencies between assets so that they can be packaged into asset bundles that group assets in a way that meets the developer requirements. The developer may prioritize small, self-contained asset bundles that are fast to download on demand or may prioritize a large asset bundle that is part of the initial installation with small asset bundles for optional content that may retrieved at a later stage by a small number of users.

Bundles could be signed by the distributing party to make it possible to determine the providence of the asset bundle and to verify it has not been modified by third parties. This would make it possible for clients to trust bundles signed by certain parties and not trust bundles signed by other parties.

Asset Identity

In Q3A, assets are identified by their file name. An asset can be “replaced” by creating an asset with the same name that appears later in the load path.

This results in the following constraints:

An alternative solution that is present in systems that need to guarantee integrity of references is to derive the identity of the asset using a content hash. This approach is used in source control systems like Git and “cryptocurrency” platforms. So while the texture textures/base/water may be referenced by name during the build process, when it is placed in a bundle the name or identity is 7dc48cd3a038568e100fdad842ee6d40fbee56bc (the content hash of the file which in this case uses the SHA-256 algorithm) and all references to the file are replaced with this identifier.

The bundle may optionally have a manifest file that maps the logical name textures/base/water to the hash. (This is a very simplified version of how directories are stored in GIT). The manifest itself would also be another “asset” with its identity specified by a content hash.

The advantage of this approach is that asset references that should be statically resolved at build time can use a content hash while references that are dynamically resolved at run time can use the names in the manifest to retrieve the content hash.

The Merkle tree is a tree structure where internal nodes are just a list of child nodes and all nodes are identified by a content hash. A map/scene asset could be represented as a merkle tree. When a new version of the map asset is created then it would be possible for both versions to be present on the client and all the unchanged data would be shared between the versions (as the content has would be identical) and it would be possible for the client to play both versions of the map. (This is a common request in some gaming communities. In the HyperDash community, it is not un-common to hear a request to bring back an older version of a map. This may be for nostalgia reasons or because users want to compare and contrast the “new” and “old” version of a map.)

Asset Variants

It is common for a single asset to have multiple variants depending on the host platform and/or user configuration. Potential variants of an asset may be:

An asset bundle should be able to declare which variants are available for a particular asset. i.e. There should be an explicit indication that the textures/base/water texture has the variants textures/base/water.png (base image data), textures/base/water.tga (raw uncompressed image data), textures/base/water.ktx (ASTC compressed image data in .ktx container) etc.

Fast Build Pipeline

The building of the asset bundle should be fast and optional. Content developers should be able to make changes fast, in a directory, without having to package assets into a bundle. When a bundle is required then the build process should be fast and incremental. (This capability may be provided by Bazel). Bundle signing should be optional for local development. The build system should be responsible for generating the manifest, as well as the consumes and provides directives with minimal input from the content creator.

Asset and Bundle Meta Data

The asset bundle can potentially be augmented with metadata about both the assets and the bundle itself. Some metadata could be required by the runtime while other metadata may be optional and/or only used by content creators. The metadata data (or extended attributes) would be stored separate from the asset itself and maybe in a separate manifest file.

The asset-specific metadata that is likely required at runtime:

The asset-specific metadata that may be required on download:

The asset-specific metadata that is likely required by creators:

If the “non-runtime” specific asset data ever grows “too” large then it could be split into a separate asset bundle that depends on the runtime bundle.

The design of the solution will likely evolve over time, but it is expected that the design will fit the following parameters:



